North West Bay Probus

Video: This Cop’s Gun

Toby HintonSergeant Toby Hinton — beat cop, producer/director, judo instructor, lecturer and co-founder of Odd Squad Productions (OSP) will be speaker at the first meeting of the new year on Tuesday 2 January.

His work on the Vancouver Police Department’s (VPD) Drug Education and Enforcement Team as well as leadership in OSP, a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to drug education for youth, have earned him numerous awards and kudos.

These include: the Order of Merit for Policing in Canada (only 44 awarded across the country), three Lieutenant Governor Awards, the BC Attorney General’s Community Crime
Prevention Award, as well as a number of Commendations from senior officers within the VPD.

In 2011, Toby was nominated for Policeman of the Year Award at the International Association of Chiefs of Police annual conference in Chicago. Receiving an Honorable Mention, he was the first nominee from outside the USA.

Click here for an in-depth report on his talk.

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