Now, with over 10 years experience working with and through established charitable organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) based out of Canada, the U.S. and the U.K., Scott has some great experience to share.
On Friday May 2nd he gave members his unique insight into the world of volunteer consulting, charitable and non-governmental organizations.
Scott outlined his disappointment at the lack of sustainability of many projects funded by large organizations. He showed images of projects stymied by inadequate planning and/or local knowledge and gave examples of inefficient use of resources. His biggest disappointment, he said, was the absence of knowledge/skills transfer from most of his assignments.
He then spoke of his current work and new strategy for taking on low-level projects which have direct engagement with local government agencies and NGOs in Sub-Saharan Africa. Such projects are consistently positive and have lasting benefits for those involved.. For a number of grass roots project in Cameroon and Uganda he acts as facilitator and advisor and ensures that the local client is engaged and involved in everything he does.
Scott has provided small loans to a number of organizations through KIVA, a micro-financing organization and has been positively involved with “Teach a Man to Fish” (a UK-based education charity) as well as “Tools with a Mission”, which sends tools across the world.