North West Bay Probus

Pancakes a hit!

Bonnie Howell

Birthday pancake for Bonnie Howell

With Fall upon us, we kicked off September with a Pancake Breakfast meeting. This is traditionally the meeting where the men have the opportunity to show their culinary skills. The cooking team of Stu Manson, Bernie Podlubny, Roy Deveraux and Robert Grose arrived early laden with electric griddles and pans of ham, sausage and potato puffs cooked that morning at home.

We managed to plug in the griddles, coffee urns, kettle and pop the electric circuits in the room. For a while it looked like it was going to be Pancake breakfast by candlelight. In the end everything went smoothly and everyone enjoyed a wonderful breakfast. Many members commented on how smooth the serving flowed and that ham and sausage was a nice change from bacon. The Men would be amiss if they didn’t give special thanks to Joan Howard who did the coffee and Claudette Biron who whipped up a special gluten-free pancake mix batter for us.

Highlight of the morning was a celebration of a golden 65th Birthday for Social Director, Bonnie Howell, who was surprised with a special “Pancake birthday cake”.

We are ready for next year with the pancake pourers, aprons and chefs hats turned over to the club by Stu Manson. Now if I can only remember that they are in my attic next year!

Text by RobertGrose
Photo by Stu Manson
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