North West Bay Probus

Fun Golf Day 2015

Winning Golf Team 2015Whether serious golfer or once-a-year duffer – a great time was had by all on Wednesday August 6th.   The BBQ, provided by the folks at Brigadoon Golf Course, was a hit – so nice to stay on the property and enjoy each other’s company without having to drive to a different locale.  The hamburgers, salads and cheesecake were a delicious end to a great afternoon of fun.

Norm Kilarski’s team of Lynne Donaldson, Tony Koers, Chuck Swanson won the “most honest team with the highest score”.  Grant Donaldson’s team of Judy Hart, Stan Franklin, Kim Rasmussen won the “lowest score”.  But no one went without a prize – each golfer received a prize and even non-golfers who joined the group for dinner went home with a gift.

A huge vote of thanks for Laurie and Tom Chow who did a superb job of organizing the event.
Photos: Judy Love-Eastham (who was too busy golfing to take pictures on the course)
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