North West Bay Probus

President’s Message – April 2022


It has been an incredibly sad month with the loss of two very special Probus members – Nancy Dempson and Robert Grose. I am sure each of us has special, personal memories of Nancy, and of Robert.

Terry and I got to know Nancy and Don a little better back in 2019 on the three-day trip of the Uchuck III out of Gold River. Here we were sharing the most spectacular scenery in the world, with two very special, fun people. We saw Nancy at a number of other Probus events and there was always the big smile, the big hug. A lovely, lovely person we shall all miss. Our thoughts are with Don and his family.

Robert was an exceptional member of Probus, one who was always there to help out. His knowledge of the local community ensured we  were constantly entertained by very interesting speakers at our monthly meetings.   If anybody needed anything, Robert was always there.    He was an excellent MC. He was the backbone of this club for years longer than I have known it. We all shall miss his big smile, his enthusiasm, his energy, his knowledge and his knack for getting things done.  Our thoughts are with Lynn and her family as well.

In May, we plan to meet in-person  for the first time in over two years.  By then, most of the Covid restrictions will have been set aside. Because things are still in a state of flux, we will let you know before the meeting  the specific protocols that will be in place. We encourage people to wear masks if they feel more comfortable by doing so. We want you to enjoy seeing your Probus friends again.

We will also start up a few of the Special Interest Groups if we have volunteers to run them.  Pat Scholz has said she will start Ladies Who Lunch again. That is always a fun time. We will set up sign-up sheets.  I will try, for the third time, to start up the restaurant dinner club.   I am  hopeful that this time it will be a “go”!

If you have not already renewed your membership for 2022, you can still do it in person at the May meeting.

I look forward to a fun summer with lots of chances to meet people and experience new things. I hope you are as excited as I.

Sue Kelly, President



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