North West Bay Probus

President’s Message – December 2016

Don Dempson

PRESIDENT’s MESSAGE, December 2016

 Happy Holidays or as I would prefer….. Merry Christmas!  It’s just around the corner and, as we kick-start the festive season, it’s important to remember the best part of this whole time includes being with friends, sharing warm wishes, giving rather than receiving, being happy and celebrating how lucky we are — something we should be doing all year ‘round!

   This year has been one of engagement and continued fun and hopefully, everyone has had an opportunity to be part of some of the many exceptional events, programs, hikes, excursions, and extra curricular activities we’ve come up with.  A big THANK YOU to everyone who took on a leadership role and stepped up to “make things happen”.  Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.

   In 2016 we welcomed some great new people to our Club and it’s important that they feel part of our family.  Go out of your way to be inclusive – it’s what makes us so successful.  On that note, it’s significant to say our club now boasts 118 members and we’re looking forward to adding more in the New Year.  If you haven’t renewed your membership – make sure you do; almost 50% did so in November and you wouldn’t want to miss out on anything – would you? 

   Looking forward is always exciting and for 2017 we’ve already told you we’ll be starting by re-instating our January meeting.  Our Speaker team has already put together a list of 6-8 great topics and our Social/Out-and-about leaders are planning for more of the same plus…. some other special events.  It’s a ‘can’t lose’ proposition.

   Our special interest groups continue to thrive as well, and the rumor is… ‘road trips’ will be on the agenda for some groups next year.

   At our December meeting, we’re looking to more of a social event –so dig out those tacky Christmas sweaters and ties.  We won’t be having a speaker but you can count on great nibblies, special refreshments and some entertainment that will keep you all amused.

In closing, I wish each of you happiness and joy and a delightful Christmas season.

See you in December.   

So mark the date, come out and enjoy friends, invite someone to join you and – let’s have fun.

See you at the meeting.


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