North West Bay Probus

President’s Message – December 2021

Hello All,

This is my last report as your President as Sue Kelly will become your President on Jan 1, 2022!

It has been another unusual year for your Probus Club. Despite dealing with COVID-19 restraints, we now have 110 fully paid memberships! That represents a remarkably high retention despite having all our regular monthly meetings and many of our Special Interest Group meetings via Zoom.

A huge amount of credit goes out to our Communications folks – most notably Bea Kolodziej, Gail Sherson, and Kim Rasmussen.

Our Special Interest Groups have been the glue to keep us together and active doing the things we like to do as a social club. Special thanks to Sue Kelly in reporting on the activities of the SIGs as the year unfolded.

We have had 30 to 40 members join us for the monthly Zoom meetings. That, in large measure, was due to the excellent speakers that our “speaker’s bureau” secured. Our speaker’s bureau consisted of Robert Grose, Margaret Stevens, and Terry Kelly.

Despite all odds, our Social Director, Joanie Miller was able to organize a summer picnic which was the first time many of us had been together in one place for more than a year. We are also expecting a “sold out” Christmas Party on Dec 2.

A special thanks to Barb Hartley who has been our Membership Chairperson for several years. That position has been more challenging than others in keeping track of payments, changes of addresses and all related details on a remote communication basis.

I also want to thank the many people who have agreed to stay on your Management Committee (MC) for another year as well as well as those members who have agreed to let their name stand for the first time.

Our club continues to be in a strong financial position with a thriving membership and a host of ongoing activities. I look forward to helping in my role as Past President in any way I can.

All the best,

Al MacDonald, President




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