North West Bay Probus

President’s Message – December 2022

Where did 2022 go? It seems to have gone by very quickly.  It has been a big year for our Probus group as we once again are getting together to enjoy good companionship and fun.

The 2022 Annual General meeting will be held on December 2.  The purpose of the meeting is three-fold.  First, it is to vote in next year’s slate of members for Management Committee (see below). Second, it is to give members an update regarding our 2022 financial situation.  Early in the new year when all the 2022 transactions have been reported by the bank, the report will be updated and reviewed independently. And third and best of all, it is to enjoy some free time socializing and munching special treats, as we do not have a speaker planned for this meeting.





List of Proposed Management Committee Members

For Northwest Bay Probus 2023

President*                                                       Susan Kelly

Vice-President*                                               Don Dempson

Treasurer*                                                      Al Macdonald

Secretary                                                       Margaret Stevens

Membership Chair                                           David Stevens

Social Chair                                                    Joanie Miller

Communications                                             Kim Rasmussen

Communications                                             Gail Sherson

Speakers’ Chair                                               Terry Kelly

Member-at-Large (Technology)                          Norm Kilarski

Hospitality*                                                     Terry Kelly

*These positions will be vacant in 2024

I have so enjoyed my first year as President. It has been my great fortune to be supported by an excellent Management Committee who just keeps coming up with great ideas for you.  Don Dempson has put together a trip to Haida Gwaii in 2023 for our members.  It was not even a discussion point before his wheels started turning after the presentation given by David Rose from Mile Zero Travel. I thank Norm and Terry who work hard every meeting to make sure things go smoothly! Kim and Gail always put out an excellent newsletter with input from a variety of members. Joanie researches ideas for day-trips we can either take ourselves or in a group and always organizes incredible parties. Margaret is our extremely well-organized secretary who is very good at reminding Management Committee members of things that need doing. She has also chaired the Speaker’s Committee transitioning smoothly from Zoom to in-person meetings. David has re-vamped a lot of the membership process, so we expect that it will run very smoothly in the new year. And Al, always there to help out, to offer good advice and to volunteer to keep things going. We are sorry to see Hart leave the Treasurer’s position and we thank him for his work this year.

We look forward to seeing you very soon!

Sue Kelly, President



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