North West Bay Probus

President’s Message – June 2022


I am so delighted that we are able to test out a hybrid model for our June meeting.  For those of you who would like and who feel comfortable meeting in-person, our club will meet as usual 9:15 on June 3 at St. Mary’s Church Hall. For those of you who would prefer to meet via Zoom, that option will be available as well.  We’ll see how it works out, and hopefully we’ll all be together again very soon.

The Church and our Probus Club have asked that all participants be double vaccinated and continue to wear masks, unless they are eating or speaking from the podium. To the extent practical, please respect social distancing as a matter of course when not wearing a mask.

I am very sorry that I will miss our first get-together, but will be there in July, with bells on.  While I am away, Al MacDonald has graciously agreed to step in on my behalf.

As you know, we will be having our summer picnic on July 20 at Brigadoon Golf Course.  Because of the short timelines, we would very much appreciate your paying for the picnic tickets at the June meeting if paying by cheque, or shortly thereafter, if by e-transfer. You will be hearing all the details shortly.

We are still looking for somebody to organize the walking SIG and the hiking SIG.  Please consider volunteering if you have the time! Please volunteer your better half/neighbour/friend if you don’t!

Sue Kelly, President



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