Do you ever wonder where each month’s national & international days, weeks and months come from? Moving our meeting to March 8th which is International Women’s Day got me wondering how these “celebrations” are proclaimed. I did some research and discovered the National Day Calendar; where the world goes to celebrate each day. This is a well organized website listing a mind boggling number of so called national or international celebrations.
For example, besides being International Women’s Day, March 8th is also National Peanut Cluster Day, National Proofreading Day, National Day of Unplugging and National Tartar Sauce Day.
Apparently only a small fraction of celebrated days are proclaimed by various governments while some are rooted in local traditions or history. However, many national days are invented by organizations or companies and used as a marketing tool and some are simply made up by random people.
If you were at the February meeting, you would have seen many of the Management Team wearing masks and beads as we promoted our upcoming Mardi Gras party. Sadly, we’ve had to cancel the party as the planning committee felt that with there weren’t enough people paid up to create a Mardi Gras party vibe. Instead the committee members are exploring having an event in the fall perhaps around halloween.
Unfortunately the speaker we had booked for March 1st was unable to come on the 8th but thanks to our intrepid speaker chair we were able to secure another speaker for the 8th. Robert has booked David Prud’homme and the title of his presentation is Our Universe: You Can’t Imagine!
I look forward to seeing you on March 8th.