North West Bay Probus

President’s Message – March 2024

The month of March represents renewal for so many of us:

As of mid- February, we have received 75 membership renewals and/or new membership sign-ups. That leaves between 50 – 55 members from last year that have not renewed yet. Please check to make sure your renewal is up-to-date for 2024.

Also, please note that we now have a new Chair for the Membership Committee. Ann Barnes has volunteered to step into this role. Thanks Ann! Since it will be a bit of a learning curve for her to learn the ins and outs of the membership registration process, with the guidance of Kim Rasmussen. Please be patient as we handle the transition from our interim Membership Chair, Sonya Bardati, to Ann. Once Sonya returns from her holiday trip, things will start to fall into place smoothly, I’m sure.

As we all know, Probus is a social club and the Dim Sum lunch organized by Sharon Seibt of our Social Committee certainly got the year started in the right direction, as we joined together to celebrate the Chinese New Year. While many of us may not have been able to pronounce the names of the various dishes, that did not restrict our consumption at all. There was more than enough food and joy to go around. Thanks Sharon!

At this time, the daily news broadcasts are filled with so many stories that depict so much of what is troubling in the world today. It makes it almost impossible to see many of the good things in life that we have to be grateful for, every day. This quote may help us to remember to see the good in the world – not just the bad – as we look forward to the future.

“Resolve to see the world on the sunny side, and you have almost won the battle of life.”

Sir Roger L’Estrange

Jim McKinlay,



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