If anyone has seen spring anywhere, please let me know! While our rhododendrons are starting to show off, our other plants are much delayed. I guess we should be thankful that we are not living in Winnipeg, what with horrific snow and rain storms and significant likelihood of flooding.
It has come to my attention that some people were saddened that former long-time Probus members were not acknowledged when they passed away. Please, if you know of someone who has passed, advise me or someone else on the Management Committee. Also, please volunteer to write a little note for the newsletter. Our Probus Management Committee will be discussing how best to proceed in the future at our next meeting.
I have to apologize. I spoke out of turn in my last note and I have already apologized to Pat Scholtz. Pat has asked to step down from managing the Ladies Who Lunch SIG, although she will likely want to be a part of it! As we dream about the warmer weather that we hope will soon be arriving, we can also think about eating outside, where the likelihood of transmission of Covid is much reduced. Perhaps one of you would like to take this on. It is not a lot of work and it is always fun. It would mean choosing a restaurant that serves lunch (apparently there are not a lot of them) and inviting people. I have a list of people and their contact information who have already expressed an interest in this SIG.
Our Management Committee will continue to monitor the Covid situation in Nanaimo/Nanoose Bay/Parksville area. We are hopeful that with the warmer weather, the transmission rates will drop and we can get together again. We’ll keep you informed.
Sue Kelly, President