North West Bay Probus

President’s Message – November 2016

Don Dempson

PRESIDENT’s MESSAGE, November 2016

November is our Annual General Meeting month, and I hope you are planning to be at our meeting.  It’s an important time as we look forward, but it’s also a time to remember what we’ve done and how much enjoyment we’ve experienced over the year.

Our speakers have been nothing short of extraordinary and when you compound that with exceptional ‘out-and-abouts’, events like our picnic, appetizer party, as well as the special interest groups (including our new TED Talks and Beer Tasting group) it’s hard not to concede, we’re just living the life, enjoying friendships and having fun.

None of this happens without the hard work of those who selflessly step up on the management team and those who take leadership roles – a special thanks to all of you.  The success of our club is unmistakable; and what’s coming will continue to impress you. 

We have an excellent list of people who are standing for election and who ask for your continued support and commitment.  These people do this because they care but more importantly because, as social beings, we love to get together, explore, taste, visit, talk and experience everything. 

Every club member is like a part of our family and we all win when we engage in and with our club.  Don’t be passive – be active!  In November we have more great things happening, and you’ll hear more during the meeting.  We have another topical and well-informed speaker, Nestor Gayowsky, retired Consul General from the Ukraine, coming to speak to us on November 4th.  It’s all GREAT!

So mark the date, come out and enjoy friends, invite someone to join you and – let’s have fun.

See you at the meeting.


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