A big thank you to all our members who participated in our survey. We had a 62% response rate and we received some excellent data which gives us lots of ideas to improve our club. The Management Team will be analyzing the data before our November meeting and we’ll share the data with everyone who attends our November meeting and in the e-news after the meeting. So, to get a first-hand look at the data, please join your Management Team at the meeting. We won’t have a speaker at that meeting but we plan to have an interesting participatory session looking at ways to strengthen our club.
The first item on the agenda for the November meeting will be BREAKFAST! Leslie and Linda have conspired to make sure we have full tummies before we get serious. I have it on good authority that there will be cinnamon buns from the Brazen Poppy Bakery in Parksville. After breakfast, results of the member survey will be presented, followed by information and discussion sessions to explore expanding existing programs and to initiate action for new activities. There will be a prize draw for those who completed their surveys by Monday Oct 21.