North West Bay Probus

President’s Message – October 2018

President’s Message – October 2018

Well, September certainly let us know that our dry, hot summer had come to an end! It’s good to see the needed rain but I for one have had enough and it’s only the beginning of October. To help us through the increasingly darker days ahead, Social Chair, Joanie Miller and her team have planned lots of fun activities.

As you may remember, we were going to hold a vote in September regarding a contribution to St Mary’s church for their renovations. The Management Team decided to postpone the vote in September and to discuss the issue further at our September management meeting. At that meeting, the original motion was rescinded and a new motion passed: 

Motion: The Management Committee proposes that we make a one-time leasehold improvement payment of $500.00 to St Mary’s Church for improvements to our meeting facility. This works out to about $4.00 per member.

Accordingly, I will be asking members present at the October 5th meeting to vote on this motion.

On October 1st, Don Dempson and I will attend a meeting of the Mid-Island PROBUS Club Presidents. There will be two topics for discussion: strategies for getting members to sign up for management positions and ideas to recruit new members. I’m hoping there will be useful information shared that our management team, and all of us, can benefit from.

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