North West Bay Probus

President’s Message – September 2024

Our recent Annual Picnic and Golf Tournament proved to be a great way to transition from a wonderful summer into the fall season. What better way to say goodbye to summer than with a marvelous, joyful picnic!

Events such as this do not happen – unless we can pull together a strong team of members to pitch in and volunteer to help out when needed. Kudos to Sharon Seibt and her large team of volunteers for pulling it off again this year. The work required for the set up at Brigadoon, the great Mexican theme decorations, the hand-made table centre pieces, the amazing Mexican dinner menu, the cheerful servers, the very challenging trivia contest and the ever-important clean up afterwards was the result of the efforts of at least 15-20 volunteers. And that didn’t include Al MacDonald and his team of volunteers who coordinated and hosted the golf tournament, including prizes and trophies – for the first time.

Everyone had a really good time and the weather was perfect. What a great day!!

Do you sense the theme here about the importance and the value of volunteers? Our PROBUS Club would not exist without the generous volunteer efforts of many of our members. But in many cases, it’s the same folks that step up to help out year after year. And, as it is with every volunteer organization, some folks need to step back from time to time, after doing their duty. That’s when others need to step forward to fill the vacancies as they occur. This will also be the case as we move towards our next AGM. There will be vacancies on our Management Committee as well as on some of our sub-committees. This year we have tried to encourage more people to help out on the sub-committees in an effort to make the task less onerous for the Committee Chairperson. This is also a great way for you to be a part of a team and learn more about the inner workings of our Club.

Volunteers are the life-blood of every not-for-profit organization. Without blood, one cannot live. Without volunteers, our cub cannot live. So, please give some thought and consideration to pitching in and helping out in any way that you can.

On a different note, our Management Committee has recently finalized a Member Survey that we will be sending out to all of our members within the next few weeks. It should provide us with valuable feedback and suggestions for ways that we can improve and expand the many exciting and enjoyable activities and events for you – the members. The information gathered from the survey will be vital to us as we build our plans for 2025 and beyond. Stay tuned.

“Volunteering is the very core of being human. No one has ever made it through life without someone else’s help.”

Heather French Henry    

Jim McKinlay,


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