Second delivery of PPE donations from Probus Members

Dr. Meghan Towers in donated PPE (including home made scrub hat)
Probus member, Sue Kelly sends a note of thanks for the generous response to her daughter, Dr. Meghan Towers’, request for donations of protective gear for the Nanaimo Regional General Hospital:
Both Terry and I on behalf of our daughter Meghan, want to thank the Northwest Bay Probus members who donated personal protective equipment for hospital staff. Thanks also to those Probus members and others who are helping us make scrub hats for the doctors and nurses working in the wards at NRGH
You have been most generous and have sent many lovely emails, which mean the world to us. You have also been talking to neighbours, friends, other club members because Meghan’s email has been sent well beyond the original group. If we can avoid the desperate situation in which other jurisdictions have found themselves where frontline health care providers are getting sick because they did not have the appropriate gear, it will be because of people like you.
Thank you,
Two Kellys and a Towers.