Happy New Year! I hope all of you had a safe and pleasant Christmas holiday and were not too naughty on New Year’s Eve. As I am writing this well in advance of New Year’s, I won’t have to confess any misbehaviour on my part. At least, not yet.
As we begin the new year, you can be assured that Joanie is always on the look-out for opportunities to organize new and exciting out and abouts. If you know of a place or an activity that you think would be of interest to other Probus members, please contact Joanie. She is always appreciative of good ideas and help making them happen.
It is once again time to renew your Probus membership. As we are now meeting in person, we are again charging $30.00 per person. We would appreciate receiving your payment by February 14, 2023. All the information you will need to make your payment and renew your membership is provided in David Stevens’ article.
We have negotiated an agreement with St. Mary’s to park our vehicles in their lot if we are having an out-and-about during the week and need a staging area. On the weekends, their lot is much busier. We have agreed to park our cars at the far end of the lot, so that people using the facility still have ready access to parking spots near the buildings. Nanoose Place does not allow this anymore.
Sue Kelly, President