Giving Sight to the Needy

Dr. Martin Spencer with patientDr Martin Spencer, a Nanaimo based multiple-award-winning eye surgeon who has taught and performed cataract surgery in sites ranging from mud-floored makeshift rooms in Malawi to the most advanced eye care hospitals in the third world had members riveted to their seats at the August 1st meeting.

He outlined the background of Seva (Sanskrit for service, pronounced “sava”), an organization founded to take on the challenge of eliminating blindness throughout the developing world.

Eye surgeons working under Seva began by performing cataract surgery on patients in remote areas of Nepal and India under extremely primitive conditions.  As the word spread (and donations received), hospitals became more substantive and local surgeons were trained in groundbreaking surgical techniques (pioneered specifically by Seva).  Many of the earlier hospitals are self-sustaining and funds raised by the organization now go to new initiatives in other countries.

Dr. Spencer’s concluded his presentation with a very personal slideshow.  The before and after photos of his patients were poignant and humbling.  This doctor and the organization with which he serves is making a tremendous difference to the lives of millions of people in the third world.

Do you have difficulty determining a gift for the person who has everything?  Seva Canada’s fundraising initiatives include the opportunity to donate the gift of sight in the name of your chosen recipient.  This could also a great way to teach humanitarian gift-giving to children.  Click here for more information.