Pancakes & Jokefest

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The strains of “Mama, Don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys” greeted PROBUS members as they arrived dressed in jeans and cowboy hats to enjoy a wonderful pancake breakfast at the September 4 meeting. Setting the jovial tone of the morning, President Robert Grose regaled the group of thirty with several western themed jokes prior to the feast. Pancakes, syrup, fresh fruit, hash browns and sausages cooked and served by Bernie Podlubny, Ernie Tesluk, and Robert Grose were appreciated by all. Special thanks go to Claudette Biron who made gluten-free sweet potato pancakes for the gluten intolerant in the crowd. Future president, Don Dempson, reminded members present, that the AGM is fast approaching and there are several positions open for next year’s Management Committee.

Text: Pam Foster; Photos: Robert Grose

For photos of previous September breakfasts, check out the following pages:  2013 and 2014.