Our Winner, Terry Kelly
Well, I know that you all have been itching to find out who won the men’s COVID-19 hair contest put together, with thanks, by Don Dempson.
Now some of you may accuse me of nepotism, but I assure you that is fake news. Terry Kelly won the hair contest fair and square. In case you’re wondering, I did not vote for him! I married him, surely that is enough!
For the runners-up, you have all been stellar in accepting your defeat, unlike a certain ignominious orange person south of the border.
Let’s hope the second wave of this pandemic does not bring about another long-term closure of hair salons and barber shops like it has done in other provinces! I speak for myself when I say, I need all the help I can get.
You can see all the participants in the slide show below, and for more creativity and entertainment on the hairstyle challenge, don’t miss this video slide show created for us by Marcel Lalonde. To view this entertaining video again, or if you missed it the first time we posted it, click on the link here.
Once again, thanks to all of those who participated.
Sue Kelly