For our first theatre outing of the year, Sharon Brocklesby is organizing a group dinner and play event in Qualicum Beach to see the romantic comedy called Queen Milli of Galt at the Village Theatre, on 2nd Ave.
Date/Time: Friday, March 8th.
Dinner (optional): Qualicum Beach Cafe, 5:30 PM 2690 Island Hwy. W., Qualicum Beach
Play: Doors open at 7:00, play starts at 7:30 PM
Location: Echo Players
Village Theatre, 110 W. 2nd St., QB
Cost: $22 per person. Payment required on or before Friday, March 1st.
Reservations: Use the form below (or email Sharon) to confirm your reservation.
Pre-Payment Required: Cash or Cheque payment can be made at the Probus meeting on March 1st (please bring the exact $ amount). Sorry, NO e-transfers for this event. However, they will be available for future group events.
Please use the form below to confirm your reservation:
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