Michael Witcomb, Off-Campus Housing Coordinator, Vancouver Island University
Our Guest Speaker on April 5, 2024 was Michael Whitcomb. Michael is the Off Campus Housing Director for Vancouver Island University in Nanaimo (VIU).
Michael showed us where students from around the world typically come from. There are three primary sources of students including Canada and the remaining students typically come from 10 to 12 other countries.
See below for some photos of Michael’s presentation.
Michael listed some of the reasons that students choose Canada for their university education and listed some of their concerns when deciding which country to go to.
Michael encourages prospective candidates to take the “VIU Rent Wise Course” which spells out the Rights and Obligations of both the renter (student) and the Landlord. The Certificate of Completion of the course is widely recognized in the Nanaimo rental market place.
Michael’s enthusiasm for his work and his enjoyment with helping students get comfortable with their new surroundings was readily apparent.
We are fortunate to have such a talented person an ambassador for our community.
Prepared by,
Al MacDonald, Speaker Committee