Xander France, Director of Marketing and Sales © 2023 HA Photography
HULLO introduces itself to NW Bay Probus
Xander France, the Director of Sales and Marketing for Vancouver Island Ferry Company (otherwise known as ‘HULLO’) came to NW Bay Probus Club on June 7 to tell us the fascinating story behind the concept, design and operation of the long-awaited walk-on- ferry service from Nanaimo to Vancouver Island.
And a fascinating story it was. Xander explained that before HULLO got started, the management team built a strong foundation of partners, including the Snuneymuxw First Nation, the Nanaimo Port Authority and the Vancouver Harbour Air Flight Centre. HULLO researched and found just the right vessels for their business: 354-person catamarans, each of which is powered by four jet engines. (Yes, you read right: JET engines!)
In 11 short months, two vessels were manufactured and sailed from Vietnam to Victoria – via Thailand and China. Not your average “ferry ride”, to be sure. HULLO’s first official sailing from Nanaimo to Vancouver took place less than a year after their company had been formed!
And they have never looked back. Their vessels are the only fast-ferries operating in Canada, and HULLO has placed its order for a third.
The numbers tell the story.
- When Xander joined HULLO, he was employee #6. They now have 105 employees, and counting
- They sail as many as 14 times a day
- HULLO transported 300,000 persons in the first 9 months of business
- The crossing takes a bare 70 minutes to travel from terminal to terminal in the heart of downtown Vancouver
- And the best news of all? As a senior, the service will set you back only $20 one-way, or $35 round-trip
Xander explained that the company prides itself in its community spirit, innovative thinking, and eagerness to adopt high-end modern technology. As an example, HULLO managers recognized they could save Islanders on costly hotel rooms if they partnered with BC Place and Rogers Arena to offer late-night sailings after sports games and concerts. Another example of improved services: they introduced complimentary shuttle services to and from the Nanaimo terminal to key locations downtown, seven days a week.
Their eyes are on the future. HULLO is investigating the potential to provide a similar ferry service between Victoria and Vancouver, perhaps as early as 2026. If Xander – with his high energy and strong commitment to HULLO, its staff and Islanders – symbolizes the company’s capabilities, they are sure to succeed in their future endeavors. And the quality of life for many of us will be enhanced.
By Terry Kelly