Insurance available to Probus Members PROBUS Canada has worked with Johnson Inc., a national benefits provider, to offer a benefit plan custom-designed for our members. The plan includes the following voluntary benefit options that can be purchased on a stand-alone basis to meet your insurance needs:
- Extended Health Care (EHC) with “Prestige” Travel Insurance (includes Trip Cancellation)
- Dental Care
- MEDOC® Travel Insurance (includes Trip Cancellation)
- Stand-Alone Trip Cancellation/Interruption
- Guaranteed or Term Life Insurance
PROBUS members in good standing can join the EHC with Prestige Travel Plan within 60 days of terminating existing group coverage without providing medical evidence of insurability. Members applying for EHC with Prestige Travel Plan coverage outside open enrolment period and the 60 day eligibility period require medical evidence of insurability and may be declined coverage.
For more information go to: or call: 1-866-606-3363.