Carol Wells: Some Interesting Facts about Genealogy

When Carol Wells retired, she asked herself “What do I do now?”  It wasn’t long before she became involved in ElderCollege and in researching her family tree.  What propelled this research was something she referred to as “The Box.”    “The Box” as so many of us know is something one is handed down from…

Renée Caulder: Volunteer Coordinator, SOS

Report of October Guest Speaker: Renée Caulder Whether you are a lonely senior, a teen who needs affordable graduation wear or a child who needs tutoring in math , SOS is there for residents of District 69.  On October 5th, guest speaker, Renée Caulder, Coordinator of Volunteer Resources, took us through the history of SOS…

Pizzazz and Pizza – Bowling!

Well, were really on a roll on Sunday, October 21!  Our three teams, The Lofties, Spring Rolls, and Beauties and the Beast, showed a lot of style and pizzazz as they fired those balls down the alleys at Sunset Bowling Lanes in Parksville.  The Lofties were hot, coming up with the highest game average.  Top…

PROBUS Goes to the Bailey Studio

OUT & ABOUT TO THE THEATRE Friday, November 2, 2018 8:00 p.m. An outing to The Bailey Studio is always fun.  And this time the play, Murder in Green Meadows, will keep you guessing.  A successful architect and his wife move into their dream home.  They are soon visited by their new neighbours and friendship…

David Maas: Vancouver Island History Comes to Life

Our September speaker, David Maas, originally from Ontario, moved to Vancouver Island over 20 years ago.  With a natural curiosity and interest in everything, his readings and research have resulted in a deep understanding and love of Vancouver Island history which he shared with us. Who knew, for example, that geology shows Vancouver Island came…

Mystery-History Tour

Mystery History Tour – Friday, October 19, 2018 David Maas, our guide, took us on a magical mystery tour via Forest Bus Tours to interesting points off the beaten track, south of Nanoose Bay.  The theme was the role coal played in our local history. First stop, Lantzville where we viewed the flat still waters…