As we move towards the arrival of spring, I was reflecting on how all of the plants and flowers seem to be coming to life again. At the same time, I was reviewing the latest version of our PROBUS club brochure that we use to attract new members and I noted the L.I.F.E. phrase on the side of our club logo – the “proBUS”. I began to wonder about what the L.I.F.E. acronym stood for.
So, as I’ve been known to do from time to time, I started asking some dumb questions, to see if I could get a good answer. One member of our Management Committee suggested it could stand for “Live It Fully Everyday” or “Living In Fullness Everyday”. Then after a bit more sleuthing, along with several long-time members digging deep into their memory banks, the full story was revealed.
The bus logo and the L.I.F.E. acronym was developed by Judy Eastham back in 2013. L.I.F.E. stands for: “Learning, Involvement, Friends and Energy”. A very appropriate description of what PROBUS should be all about. These four elements are at the centre of what our club does – month in and month out. So, here we are eleven years later – and the message still holds significance and value.
Armed with this renewed awareness, Don Dempson and Kim Rasmussen, with support from Anne Marie Webb-Hughes, went to work to draft up a new, updated brochure, along with a new updated “proBUS” logo. You will have a chance to see the new logo at our April meeting and we hope to have copies of the new brochure printed up within the next few weeks.
As I get to know more of the members who make up our PROBUS club, the more I realize how each has worked hard to make the most of their own lives and to have a positive impact on the lives of others. The quote below describes how this is achieved.
“Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing those you do hold well.”
– Josh Billings
What more could one ask for?
Jim McKinlay,