President’s Message – August 2023

Thank you to all those who contributed to the Probus Picnic! From the music, to demonstrating Hawaiian dance, to putting up the tents, to baking goodies, to setting up tables, to managing the 50-50, to serving food and cleaning up afterwards, it was a group effort, beautifully orchestrated by our very organized and relatively sane Joanie Miller. Thank you! Thank you! It is always a fun time, and even better when we all help out. And the food was great. What a treat. And it is absolutely amazing how little I know about Hawaii.  Other than “Book ‘em Dano”, I was lost. I will have to spend some time there and do some serious studying.

I hope you are all enjoying the weather and the chance to get outside and enjoy it. We have had two sets of guests in less than a week and our house is only now settling in to a much more reasonable level of cleanliness and disarray! Hopefully we’ll get a little more rain before summer’s end as we can see that our plants are starting to look stressed. We are so fortunate to be living on the island and not being seriously hampered by wildfire smoke. Our Ontario guests were saying there were days where they lived in small towns north of Toronto, that they simply couldn’t go outside.

Please keep in mind that our next general meeting will be held on September 8 as a number of us will be away on the Haida Gwaii trip from August 29th to September 6th.  For those of you who are not able to join us, Don Dempson will be giving a talk about the trip later in the fall. Knowing Don’s photographic prowess, it will be a fascinating talk.

See you in September!

Sue Kelly, President