President’s Message – February 2023

Where does the time go? It seems that just yesterday I was working on the message for the new year and here we are in February, the month of Saint Valentine and chocolate.

Speaking of where does time go, I received an e-mail from Ian Kennedy who is the Probus District Manager for Vancouver Island.  For those of you who attended the picnic last year, he and his wife attended and he gave a brief speech.  He wrote to say that our Probus group is about to celebrate its 20th anniversary in March.  If there are any of you who have been members since then, it would be especially nice if you could join us at the March meeting. I know we have a number of long-time members, but am uncertain of how many would date back to 2003.

Probus Canada is considering changing their logo from all capitals to just a capital P. We will show you the new logo at the February meeting so that you have the opportunity to voice your opinion. They have asked us to provide our club’s feedback by mid-February. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who have renewed your Probus membership and signed your waiver forms.  For those who have not, there is a link later in this newsletter to tell you how to do it. We would sincerely appreciate receiving your application and dues by February 14.

We had a wonderful turnout at the last general meeting – certainly the most since Covid.  We hope you will continue to join us. 

Sue Kelly, President