President’s Message – July 2023

Finally, finally, finally some good weather! What a treat this place is to live in when it is sunny and warm. I am still amazed that we found our way here. I am sure many of you feel the same way.

Those of you who went to Sail to the Symphony last Saturday were so lucky to enjoy a perfect day. For those of you who were not able to go, I strongly recommend that you mark up your 2024 calendars and sign up for next year NOW. What a treat to see so many young people, who are so talented, all in one place. The Mahler Symphony rightly deserved a standing ovation. And the lady in red…. well…she was exceptional in every regard and especially in terms of her talent playing the violin!  From now on that song will take on a whole new meaning to me!  Thank you, Joanie! You worked so hard to make this a happy event!

In September, I would like to get more Special Interest Groups up and running so that members who have signed up more recently to our Probus group have the option to participate in activities outside of regular meetings and large special events.   The Dining Out Group is currently at 16 members and I am still getting requests for more members.  I think we may divide the group into two or three so that it is easier to get reservations. Restaurants are often a little hesitant to take on 16 people at once. At any rate, I will have sign-up sheets for ideas for new Special Interest Groups at the July meeting and the Picnic. Please think of what you might like to do and then think how we might collectively make it happen.

Sue Kelly, President