President’s Message – March 2018

President’s Message – March 2018

Many of us watched the Winter Olympics and were amazed, if not inspired by the incredible performances of the athletes. Now that the weather is improving we can look forward to our “inner athletes” coming out and participating in upcoming PROBUS activities. One of those activities will be monthly golf outings at different courses and I’m pleased to report that Phil Howell and Al MacDonald have volunteered to organize these outings beginning in May.

If you read through the e-news, you’ll see an item about starting more Special Interest Groups:  Hiking, wine-tasting, photography, another book club perhaps?  If you’d like to volunteer to start one of these groups or to participate in one, please contact Mary Crist: [email protected]   These special groups are part of what makes being in our Club so much fun.

Our March speaker, Dwight Owens from Oceans Network Canada,  will (theoretically) take us on a fascinating dive to the bottom of the ocean.   Also this month, I’m sure you’ll all enjoy reading about our Treasurer, Linda Burrows