Here we are digging in our heels again to continue our fight with Covid. Thanks to everyone, so far our geographic area has been spared the worst of it. Keep up practicing the safe measures as we have proven that to be very important!
Our regular Member Meeting is coming again via Zoom on Friday, Nov 6. More details about the speaker and how to join this virtual meeting are enclosed in this e-News. Also, we are planning to tape the Speaker’s presentations, when permissible, so that folks can watch the presentation again or see it for the first time at their leisure. More news on that front as it becomes available.
Also, we are looking at providing a direct link to special presentations that some of our Members have put together in their ingenious ways for your information, education and enjoyment. Stay tuned.
Our Probus golf season has ended but many of our Special Interest Groups are still very active so if you are comfortable with social distancing and masked occasions please contact the appropriate SIG leader.
We are still in the process of announcing winners for the President’s Hairstyle Challenge Contest. The Panel of judges found that one category of the contest was too close for them to call so they will be asking all the Members of our club to cast their vote for that special category. More news on that as it unfolds!
I want to make a special appeal to anyone who would be willing to take on the co-chair role with Gail Sherson in Communications as Bea wants to step back after 5 years of dedication to the task. Bea will stay on as a Member at Large next year to help mentor her replacement during the transition. Please speak to Bea or Gail, or both, to learn more about the scope of the position.
We plan to continue holding our regular monthly Member meetings with our guest speakers and to continue publishing the e-News. Also, we are holding a Management Committee meeting on Monday, November 9 so if you want to bring anything to our attention, please do not hesitate to contact any one of us.
Take care and be safe!
Al MacDonald,