An email was sent out to all our Probus Members in the last couple of days regarding Covid protocols for our Probus activities. The main thrust of the email was to require all participants, both Members and Guests, in all our activities, to show proof of Covid vaccination, or have a medical exemption document, if asked. This would apply to all outdoor as well as all indoor activities including those of Special Interest Groups (SIGs). In addition, the wearing of masks and respecting social distancing when indoors would apply until you are seated in a restaurant, for example, in accordance with current Provincial Protocols.
This NWB Probus mandate goes beyond the current Provincial Protocols in two main aspects.
- The NWB Probus mandate makes double vaccination, or “fully vaccinated”, a requirement for outdoor activities whereas the Provincial protocols are essentially silent regarding outdoor activities. This position has been taken because we know that many of our Members would feel very uncomfortable if they knew that they could be participating in outdoor activities with unvaccinated fellow Members or Guests.
- In the Provincial Protocols, the deadline to have the second vaccine shot to move from “Partially Vaccinated” to fully vaccinated (“Vaccinated”) is October 24, 2021 whereas the NWB Probus mandate advances that date to “effective immediately”. That means that Members or Guests that are awaiting their second shot will have to excuse themselves temporarily from NWB Probus activities. If that applies, we apologize for the inconvenience.
These measures have been taken in consultation with your Management Committee to protect ourselves and others as much as possible while enjoying our Probus activities and to help alleviate the critical situation we are all facing with our health care system.
Stay safe.
Al MacDonald