How can it be almost September? I hope all of you have enjoyed the rather spectacular weather we have had over the past few weeks, albeit a little warm. After such a cool and damp spring, I am rejoicing in every warm, dry day. I am finding that even the weeds are taking a bit of a break.
Our next meeting is on September 2nd and will be an in-person meeting only. I hope to see more of you join us. The church requires us to wear masks unless we are eating or drinking. Speaking of which, Terry has been busy baking all summer for Probus members. It is amazing the number of goodies that can be made from zucchinis, that thankfully don’t look or taste like them (in case you missed it, not a fan!). They say if you have too many zucchinis in your garden, you don’t have enough friends.
We are hopeful that the special interest groups will start up again in the fall. If you have an idea for one, please let us know and we’ll arrange to have sign-up sheets available at our meetings. I know there are a number of people interested in having Happy Appy events. The ones we have had in the past have been spectacular and very, very tasty. Is anybody interested in starting one up?
I look forward to seeing you soon.
Sue Kelly, President