Pancakes a hit!

With Fall upon us, we kicked off September with a Pancake Breakfast meeting. This is traditionally the meeting where the men have the opportunity to show their culinary skills. The cooking team of Stu Manson, Bernie Podlubny, Roy Deveraux and Robert Grose arrived early laden with electric griddles and pans of ham, sausage and potato…

Pancake Breakfast

The September meeting has traditionally been a day for the men to show off their culinary talents by rustling up flapjacks, bacon and sausages.   This year is no exception – why break a good thing? Friday September 5th – come with a hearty appetite and enjoy a great breakfast and laughter and conversation with fellow…

Marjorie Cullerne

Pancake Breakfast

The chefs arrived early to heat up their skillets, get the bacon and sausages sizzling and put the coffee on to brew early Friday September 6th.   Aside from coffee brewers extraordinaire: Joan Harrison and Beverley Coolican, the kitchen was dominated by men and it ticked like a well-oiled machine. Majorie Cullerne, violinist with the…