A GP for Me?

GP imageOne of the main complaints from newcomers to our area is “I can’t find a family doctor!” Your input is needed!

Finally, a joint program by the BC Government and the Doctors of BC is addressing this problem through the “What is a GP for Me” initiative.  The program’s aim is to strengthen the health care system by:  a) helping people who want a family doctor to find one, and b) supporting the relationship between patients and family doctors

What is the Oceanside Division of Family Practice doing about A GP for Me?

The division has begun a four month research and assessment project of the Oceanside area to learn more about how many residents are searching for an area family physician.  They want to know the ages, home communities, health problems and more about those seeking a family physician because it will allow the division to determine how the rotors can include more patients in their practices or if the division needs to recruit more physicians.

How can you participate? Go to the survey website and spend a few minutes completing the survey.  They want to hear from community residents like yourself about your access to family physicians and your health care needs and issues generally.  For every survey completed by June 15th, donations will be made to SOS Child, Youth and Family Services and also to Oceanside Hospice.

There is an open invitation to community members to attend a Community Forum where Island Health will be reporting back survey results to the community on June 17th (7pm) at Parksville Community Centre.  For those who can’t make it to the forum, Probus LIFE will provide a link to the results at a future date.