The trail, approximately 6 km, is a pleasant, (mostly) flat walk around the lake but with one steep-ish uphill early in the walk.We will start off at 11 am, so please plan to arrive by 10.50. We will meet in the parking lot of the Westwood Tennis Club.
If you don’t care to do the walk, you are still welcome come to the lunch. Please make your own reservations ASAP by phoning: 250-753-2866. Tell them you are with the PROBUS group so we can try and sit near each other. If the weather is warm we hope sit on their lovely patio. If it’s nasty weather we’ll still go for the lunch indoors and skip the walk.
If you plan to attend, please let Steph Smith know by signing up at the August 1st meeting, filling in the following form or phoning her at: 250-468-7175 so she can keep track of how many are coming. She will send you directions if you need them and watch for you in the parking lot.