Makenzie Leine: Island Timberlands

PROBUS learns a lot about local Forestry Practices from Makenzie Leine of Island Timberlands at our March meeting.

Myths of red plaid-coated, bearded forester stereotypes were broken by our March speaker Makenzie Leine – Registered Professional Forester. As a child she grew up in logging camps with her father, a logger, until age eight.  As she says she has been with Island Timberlands for twenty years but a Forester for forty- one.

Makenzie, a communicator on forestry practices and issues for Island Timberlands, displayed her experience and knowledge throughout her talk and the way in which she answered the many questions from members. We all now have a better understanding of how a private forestry company operates differently from a Crown Land company. With over 25,000 hectares to manage on Vancouver Island and a 200- year outlook one can see why it is important to keep up on the latest technology, stream remediation, recreational land use and global warming, as well as sensitivities to wood pricing both locally and around the world for log exports.

Save the Date below!!:

Makenzie has offered to help us learn more with a 4- hour field trip by bus to Island Timberland properties on June 12.  More information to follow in your next eNews.