August Appetizer Extravaganza – 2017

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Northwest Bay PROBUS | Appetizer Extravaganza @ Howard’s End

Thank you to Joan Howard-Drew and John Drew for opening up their home for our 5th annual Appetizer Extravaganza attended by thirty PROBUS members and five guests.  This enjoyable summer evening was all about food and hospitality, and both were in abundance.

Our members strolled along the garden path to find four tables loaded with a variety of savoury treats, and then out to find a seat in the Starfish lounge (aka the seaside patio) to enjoy a beautiful afternoon with good friends, good food and a nice ocean breeze.

The HELPer (aka Norm) is happy to report that there were no incidents of whiplash from those that were brave enough to jump into the golf cart with him.

Special thanks to Phil Howell (our DJ) and to those who helped with the set-up of the tables and food area clean up.