Merry Anniversary!
The Christmas party for 2023 was once again, by popular request, a luncheon, this year held at Tigh-Na-Mara resort. Greeting guests at the entrance door were Santa’s helpers, Al MacDonald and Marcel Lalonde who directed guests to the Grand Strathcona Room. At the reception table were our favorite hostesses, Sue Kelly and Leslie MacDonald with Jim McKinley assisting with coats. In recognition of this our 20th anniversary celebration, guests were presented with a complimentary glass of Pergolo Prosecco as they entered the room. Inside, the tone was set with seasonal decorations complete with sparkling Christmas tree and glowing fireplace. To add to the party atmosphere, Norm Kilarski arranged for coloured lights circling on the ceiling and, with Don Dempson’s mastery, Andy Williams and others were crooning familiar Christmas tunes.Photos Courtesy of Don Dempson and Jennie Nauroth
Our MC for the event, Sharon Seibt, welcomed all and proposed a toast to our twenty years. It didn’t require much encouragement for folks to pop their Christmas crackers, don their paper crowns and amuse themselves as they shared the enclosed jokes and party favours. Sharon then called on outgoing president, Sue Kelly, who shared her farewell words, graciously thanking her management team, and then Jim McKinley, our incoming president, proposed a toast to the New Year and number 21 for Northwest Bay Probus. As lunch was served, many iPhones were Googling ‘sunchoke’ as in sunchoke and celeriac soup. Although very tasty, it could have been a bit warmer. Then threshing crew portions of turkey arrived. Was anyone able to finish theirs? The pièce de résistance was the crème brûlée cheesecake topped with black and blueberry coulis. YUM! The highlight of the event was Sharon’s retrospective of our twenty years, with visuals by Don Dempson, hundreds of slides encapsulated into an entertaining video. Both Sharon and Don put immeasurable time and research into their presentations and it was recognized and appreciated. Sharon talked about the throes of beginning a new club and expanded into where we are today. So interesting and informative. Door prize draws – a bottle of Bottega Prosecco Gold was presented to Paul Kolodziej and a $50 gift certificate to Cedar’s Restaurant was happily accepted by Lea Brocklesby. In closing, Joanie thanked all the wonderful people who assisted with this event and wished all a veryMerry Christmas with Best Wishes for the New Year!
Joanie Miller