Out and About… is now Here and Around!

This from our Social Chairperson, Joanie Miller: Just when we thought we might be able to get Out and About a bit more, new restrictions have been announced that have us limited until at least January 8th.   Let’s hope, by that time, we will see a downward curve on the COVID graphs and we can once…

TED Talks Special Interest Group – exploring Fake News, CEO Compensation and Covid-19 Debt

The TED Talks Special Interest Group (SIG), has been very active, researching and discussing a number of topics in recent months.  The discussion are summarized below, along with references in case you would like to dig deeper. New SIG members are always welcome! For information, please contact Margaret Stevens at 250-821-9678 or at [email protected]. For…

COVID-19 Update: Activities and Meetings

Update on Northwest Bay Probus General Meetings: It is apparent from the Provincial health rules that meeting in groups larger than 50 people will likely not be permitted for many months. In light of this, our NWB Probus Management Committee has decided to try meeting via zoom, starting on 2 October 2020. The focus of…