President’s Message – January 2018
I’m really pleased to be taking on the NW Bay PROBUS Presidency for the next two years and once again want to thank our past president, Don Dempson, for his inspired leadership over the past two years.
For my first President’s message, I thought I’d tell you a bit about myself and what I did before retirement in 2011. I graduated from the University of Alberta (many years ago) with both a BA and a library science degree. I worked as a librarian both at the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary. I also was employed as an information management consultant. In 1988, my husband Chuck and our two teenage boys moved to Victoria where I was offered the job of Chief Librarian at University of Victoria. Twenty- three years later I retired from UVic, the best job of my career and at this point Chuck and I decided to relocate to Fairwinds community in Nanoose Bay. One of our sons and his 3 children live in Parksville; our other son and his wife live in Jersey City and he works in Manhattan. Besides being involved in our PROBUS club, I chair the Milner Gardens fund development committee and am Vice-Chair of the Milner Society Board. I enjoy playing golf and Mah Jongg (not very good at either!). I am a member of the Second Chapter book club and the Cellar Dwellers wine tasting club, both of which are Special Interest Groups in NW Bay PROBUS.
I look forward to meeting all our members over the next two years and am delighted to be working with such a talented management team.
Happy New Year and best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2018.