May 2016 – President’s Message
Our club’s success is infectious! The positive comments from those who come to the meetings as well as from those who partake in our activities or enjoy our interest groups, continues to surprise me. There’s an energy that is so encouraging and it’s incredible to see and hear our friends discussing what’s coming up and debating topics that our speakers have addressed.
That being said, it’s also vital to remember, our success depends on us all being able to find activities that appeal to our own specific interests and with so many of our outside interest-groups being full, an important question has been posed (again) – I’d like to join one (or more) of these groups (or start a new one) but how do I do it? Good question.
Your management team has listened and we’re going to do something about it. In this newsletter you can read about how members can get started in a new group and how each one of us can help and support these groups. Remember – we’re infectious and we want to spread the fun and enjoyment so everyone can find their own niche.
And talking about niches – April saw us not only visit the Robert Held Art Glass facility again, but it saw more than a dozen of us have a hands-on experience in the studio when we felt the heat and created some unique and special glass pieces that are truly, one-of-a-kind. Working in close conditions and with liquid glass at temperatures over 1800 degrees was incredible and something everyone should make a point of trying.
Now, with the weather doing its darnedest to jump us right into summer, May promises to be another exciting month for the club. It begins with our speaker Dr. Ghazi Farooy who is going to talk about a Syrian refugee family in Nanaimo and what is happening and what they are facing. It’s followed with our first golf day at Qualicum Beach and a tour of Kitty Coleman Woodland Gardens at the annual Art & Bloom Festival, in Courtenay.
So spread the joy and pass along the spirit that makes our club special. Come out and enjoy another of our incredible speakers and don’t forget to sign up for our out-and-abouts, you won’t be disappointed.
See you soon.