Grand Crew Goes to the Okanagan Valley

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Grand Crew (Special Interest Wine-tasting Group)  Goes to the Okanagan

This was a trip that was a year in the planning.  The accommodation had to be reserved well in advance, dinner reservations made and the van (and accompanying sommelier) booked for a day of wine-tasting and lavish lunch.

If you were to ask each of the ten Grand Crew members who met in the Okanagan for four happy days in May:  “What was the highlight of the trip for you?” you might get ten different answers.  It could be the amazing 3-course chef’s lunch at Backyard Farms, or the presentation specially put on for us at Maverick Winery in their charming tasting room; it might be relaxing in the beautiful Villas at Hester Creek where we stayed for three nights, or the fabulous dinner at Miradoro Restaurant.   One thing we would all agree on though would be how much fun it was for all of us to meet up for dinner at the end of a long hard day 😉 to share good food, good wine and our experiences of that day. Many of us came home laden down with cases of wine, happy memories and plans to do this thing again.