Mich Pambrun & Rick Fields: Vancouver Island’s wine and spirit industry

“Petit Milo, “Sauvignette”, “Cabernet Libre” were some wine varietals most of us had never even heard of.  Vancouver Island’s unique cool coastal climate requires special knowledge when it comes to wine-making…(Teaser)

Local Sommellier, Mich Pambrun, presented us with some interesting details about these processes, taking us on a virtual trip to Unsworth Winery, where the focus is on “quality, 100% terroir-driven wines and a commitment to sustainable vineyard practices”.  For more information, click here: https://www.unsworthvineyards.com/   Mich’s slideshow then continued on to farm-based microcidery: Tod Creek Cidery https://www.todcreekcider.com/ and lastly to Wayward Distillation House: https://www.waywarddistillationhouse.com/ which produces True Craft Unruly Gin, Unruly Vodka, and other spirits in the heart of the Comox Valley: honey based, small seasonal batches of vodka infusions, including a secret recipe for a Polish grandmother’s comforting Krupnik.

Mich also informed us about the extreme intensive studying and knowledge required to become a certified Sommellier. You might want to watch the following film for a “taste” of what it takes: https://www.netflix.com/ca/title/70273636

Lastly, we heard from Rick Fields, general manager of our local Cascadia Liquor, whose team has been recognized for “community involvement, green initiatives and providing premium service”.

After the meeting, a group of thirsty PROBUS members were found bumping into each other with their little carts in Cascadia as they filled them up with everything from Charme de L’lle to Unruly Vodka.