Don Dempson and Doug Pearson showing their heart.
In these days of self-quarantine, virus information overload, lock-down and worry, it’s nice to see people taking time to step-up and appreciate what those “on the front lines and in essential services” are doing for all of us.
For some it’s offering to get groceries or delivering supplies, for others it’s a regular phone call but for some it’s about displaying a heart from your window, driveway or hanging from the outside of your house.
The symbol is simple – HOPE, RESPECT and LOVE! Whether it’s a simple drawing created by one or two, a specially constructed wooden one or even a wrought-iron one, they are popping up everywhere and as people look out their windows, walk or drive by – they are being noticed and appreciated.
Doug Pearson and Don Dempson recently took a day out of their own shared household lock-down to advance the movement and they created their own. Like others seen around, it’s not so much how big or how beautiful it is, but it’s about the thought —- we all have heart and we all can and will get thorough these trying times, if we continue to be safe, help others (where we can) and acknowledge the incredible work that is going on by others.
Like banging pots and pans at night the idea of “showing your heart” is quickly spreading and here’s the challenge….. create your own heart and let others see you are on board; you recognize the efforts of essential services and YOU BELIEVE.
Show us your heart!