Commander Craig Piccolo
On July 7th we had the opportunity to meet our military neighbour at the Maritime Experimental and Test Range (located just off Powder Point Road). The Test Range Commander, Craig Piccolo described the basic purpose of the range, to:
- Conduct tests, trials, training, and research & development, and
- Meet defence objectives (through training and research).
With only a small team, Commander Piccolo is able to manage the range, coordinate testing with international partners (including our U.S. partners), and do so while acting as a good steward for the environment.
One of the most engrossing descriptions of the Maritime ranges’ work showed how a test torpedo (equipped with numerous sensors rather than weapons), is deployed, hunted down, and retrieved as part of training exercises – See slide 9 in the following slide show (slide 9 title is “Area WG – 3D Range Concept – Equipment Discussions”). Clearly, we can be proud of the state-of-the-art tracking range operations in our very own back yard.
Two points, stressed by Commander Piccolo’s were: the importance of being a good neighbour and respect for the marine environment.
If you were unable to attend our July 7th meeting, please view the following slides to capture the essence of Commander Piccolo’s presentation.
Next year, Commander Piccolo hopes to host an open house at the Range and we’re on his invitation list! Stay tuned….