Show us your Heart

In these days of self-quarantine, virus information overload, lock-down and worry, it’s nice to see people taking time to step-up and appreciate what those “on the front lines and in essential services” are doing for all of us. For some it’s offering to get groceries or delivering supplies, for others it’s a regular phone call…

Probus “Away Walk” at Westwood Lake, CANCELLED

Our first PROBUS “Away Walk” this year will be the 5.5 km trail around beautiful Westwood Lake followed by lunch (optional) at Piccadilly Bistro. Date:  Friday, March 20th Time: 10:15 AM Meet at the Westwood Lake Tennis Club parking lot, 2367 Arbot Rd. Nanaimo by 10:15. Lunch reservation will be for 12 Noon.  (Piccadilly Bistro…

Bowling Challenge, Sunday, March 29th CANCELLED

Sunday, February 9th was another stellar bowling day at the Sunset Lanes in Parksville. So much so, that there has been a challenge for another match up before golf season begins.  See below for details and to sign up! Top scores from Hart Pfortmueller and Al McDonald were separated by one point, so the gloves…

Dim Sum Lunch Report – Gung Hey Fat Choy!

Lunar New Year Dim Sum The second, hopefully annual, Dim Sum Lunch was held on February 1st at Shanghai City Restaurant. Working ahead of time with Phoebe, the lovely owner, we were able to taste 11 different items with endless pots of tea.  Our 36 members just fit into the private room, where the staff…

A Night out at the Theatre in Nanaimo…

On Friday, February 21, 18 Probus members went for a night out at the Bailey Theatre on Rosstown Road in Nanaimo. The production was “Lend Me a Tenor”, a comedy farce.  What a pleasant show with a belly of laughs. How they do a show with only one set and non-stop slapstick I do not…