Report on 2021 Annual Summer Picnic

Stetsons, Spurs and Sasparilla  The haunting and dulcet notes from the theme of the “Good, The Bad and the Ugly’ hung anticipatorily in the air, while a cowboy, Stetson pulled low over his forehead, duster dragging on the ground, holster open (with a beer propped in it), strode from the shaded patio and stared ominously…

Report on our May Speaker: – Dr. Jan Conradi on climate change

Many thanks to Jan Conradi, Ph.D., for presenting a comprehensive overview of climate change issues at our May 5, 2021 meeting! Since retirement in 2002, Jan has immersed himself in climate change science. Briefly, a synopsis of Jan’s thorough coverage of the climate change topic follows: Jan started with a concise summary of the science…