Pancake Breakfast

The September meeting has traditionally been a day for the men to show off their culinary talents by rustling up flapjacks, bacon and sausages.   This year is no exception – why break a good thing? Friday September 5th – come with a hearty appetite and enjoy a great breakfast and laughter and conversation with fellow…

Dr. Martin Spencer

Giving Sight to the Needy

Dr Martin Spencer, a Nanaimo based multiple-award-winning eye surgeon who has taught and performed cataract surgery in sites ranging from mud-floored makeshift rooms in Malawi to the most advanced eye care hospitals in the third world had members riveted to their seats at the August 1st meeting. He outlined the background of Seva (Sanskrit for…

Eric McLean

Cheese Pleases

At the July meeting, Eric McLean (owner of McLean’s Specialty Foods in Nanaimo) entertained members with a lively presentation on three French cheeses. His talk was sprinkled with interesting facts about cheese and gourmet foods and he gave some useful cheese tips such as: Best way to store cheese – not in plastic wrap! Take…

Eric McLean

July 4: Cheese!

Twenty-two years ago you had to hop on the ferry to Vancouver to buy high quality gourmet foods, especially cheeses. In 1991, Eric McLean identified the market niche and he and his wife, Sandy, quit their jobs and moved to Nanaimo from Maple Ridge. Drawing upon a lifetime of experience in sales and marketing, Eric…

Michelle Stilwell

Paralympic Medalist Inspires

Michelle Stilwell is the only female Paralympic athlete to have ever won gold in two separate summer sport events spoke from experience at our monthly meeting on June 6th.  Her topic? Be the Best You Can Be In Sydney, during the 2000 Paralympic games, she and her team won Gold in wheelchair basketball. At the time,…

Experiences in Global Volunteering

When local resident, Scott Rowswell, took early retirement in 2003 after a career in telecommunications, he didn’t stop working. Now, with over 10 years experience working with and through established charitable organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) based out of Canada, the U.S. and the U.K., Scott has some great experience to share. On Friday May…